21.2 °C

About This Weather Station

Observations are powered by a Weatherflow Tempest PWS
Hardware WeatherFlow Tempest
Transmitter Battery OK - 2.42 V
WeeWX version 4.10.2
WeeWX uptime 230075 seconds
Server uptime 230213 seconds
Belchertown skin version 1.3.1

This website is automatically updated in real time (about every 2.5 seconds) with weather observations from a Weatherflow Tempest personal weather station located in Winnipeg, MB. Weather data is received by the Tempest and weewx uses UDP to collect the data for live website feeds. The weather station provides the following readings:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Rainfall
  • UV
  • Solar radiation
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Lightning

The rest of the observations on this website are done via software calculations and quality control checks to make sure the data is valid.

All weather observations are also posted to the following websites:

Software used:
